If you've stumbled upon this website, there's a good chance you have nagging memories of a book you read during your childhood. Your memories may be so vague that you're not certain you didn't just dream it up. Or you might remember vivid details about the book's plot and characters - virtually everything except that much-needed title or author.

Some books come up on discussion boards with such surprising frequency, you have to wonder how such a well-loved book could be out of print. And many of them are out of print. However, all hope is not lost.

Gathered together on this blog are some of the most often-requested and well-remembered children's picture and chapter books of the 20th century. Take a moment and browse the title list; maybe one of them will jump out at you. Or, use the search box at the top of the screen. Keywords are included with each book. If we can be of further assistance, please contact us at favoritechildrensbooks@gmail.com. We hope to help reunite you with your
Favorite Children's Books.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Magic Tunnel

The Magic Tunnel
by Caroline D. Emerson, originally published in 1940.

Imagine suddenly finding yourself living three hundred years ago! Sarah and John take a subway ride one day -- and magically find themselves back in 1664, when New York was New Amsterdam. How odd it is to be living in colonial times! Sarah and John are rescued by an Indian scout. They meet Governor Peter Stuyvesant. They see the English take New Amsterdam from the Dutch. They are living in the midst of history. But all the while Sarah and John wonder -- will they ever find the magic tunnel that leads back home?

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Keywords: Time Travel, Subway, Train, Colonial, New Amsterdam, New York, Scholastic

Character Names: Sarah, John
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